Publications & Research

This research offers organizational- and policy-level insights into the implementation and sustainability of delivering resident services. To enable and improve this field, a call is made to policymakers and other funders to increase the stability and availability of funding for resident services. This opportunity, if met by government, foundations, private donors, and organizations themselves, has the potential to transform not only the physical, emotional, and financial health of residents, but our definition of and approach to housing as we know it.

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This short paper takes a first look at middle neighborhoods in a cluster of Desert Southwest cities in order to provide some initial and provisional answers to these questions. We selected six, more or less, representative cities to examine: Fresno, California; Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; Albuquerque, new Mexico; and Arlington and Lubbock, Texas. 

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This study explores how the community development sector can strengthen the recruitment and retention of staff at all levels — a topic top of mind for organizations around the country. Based upon a review of leadership programs nationwide, it includes concrete next steps to help secure the next generation of community development leaders, with an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. 

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Kyle Yoder’s work reviews existing tools and frameworks for advancing organizational culture change and embedding race, equity, diversity, and inclusion practices in Board governance frameworks, as illustrated by case studies drawn from the NeighborWorks network.

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Ben Demers documented and examined how organizations within the NeighborWorks® America network responded to the disparate racial impacts of the pandemic, focusing on how organizations center equity in their work.

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