From Silos to Collaborations: Building a Health Partner Investment Strategy


From Silos to Collaborations: Building a Health Partner Investment Strategy

Author(s)/Creator(s): NeighborWorks America and Center for Community Investment

NeighborWorks America (NeighborWorks) and the Center for Community Investment (CCI), with funding support from Capital One, have released a new toolkit, “From Silos to Collaborations: Building a Health Partner Investment Strategy."

This toolkit presents frameworks and tools for leaders who seek to build sustainable, deep partnerships with health partners to address systemic inequities in disinvested communities. These tools were developed to accompany a mindset shift. 
  • Can you understand your organization as part of a larger ecosystem that includes your neighbors? 
  • Can you commit to building relationships within and outside of your organization, with the goal of undoing the inequities in your community? 
  • Can you move at the speed of trust while holding the urgent reality that we must do something differently to create a more just, equitable world? 
These tools will help you accomplish this shift. This essential work is long-term and systemic, but it starts with the first steps. This toolkit will help you take those steps.

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