Publications & Research

Between 2018 and 2019, NeighborWorks America brought together six community development organizations to form a learning community on trauma-informed community development. The NeighborWorks Trauma and Healing Learning Community collaborated, shared and grew together over an eight-month period. Together, we built the capacity of our organizations to prevent and respond to trauma. And we also created a guidebook to support other community development organizations adopting trauma-informed practices.

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We know that where we live affects our health. Life expectancies can differ by more than 20 years between neighborhoods. But how do you change that? In other words, how do residents, community-based organizations and cross-sector partners start to close the life expectancy gap between our healthiest neighborhoods and our least healthy neighborhoods?

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These three case studies are part of a series designed to share lessons learned and key findings from the Healthy Communities Demonstration Project, a collaboration between NeighborWorks America, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps Program.

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In 2007, as the scale and urgency of the housing crisis became clear, Congress authorized an emergency program to help Americans in danger of losing their homes. Between 2008–18, the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling (NFMC) program helped homeowners in need by substantially boosting the nation’s capacity for foreclosure counseling.

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