Advancing Health in Communities: Health Partnership Stakeholders Map and Glossary


Advancing Health in Communities: Health Partnership Stakeholders Map and Glossary

Author(s)/Creator(s): NeighborWorks America, Build Healthy Places Network & Health Management Associates

Across the United States, NeighborWorks network organizations have been partnering with organizations in the health sector to develop affordable housing, implement health programming and partner in cross-sector collaborations. To support the NeighborWorks network as nonprofits continue to build and strengthen relationships with health partners in their communities, NeighborWorks America, in partnership with NeighborWorks network organizations, Health Management Associates and the Build Healthy Places Network (BHPN), a program of the Public Health Institute, created a new resource to support NeighborWorks network organizations and the larger community development and housing field as they partner with the health sector.

The Health Partnership Stakeholders Map identifies the different housing and community development and health partners that have a role in creating healthy communities. The Health Partnership Glossary provides definitions to terms used within the housing and community development and the health sectors. 

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