
Housing managers help contain community infections
Rental developments and other housing locations are ideal places to educate community residents on health risks. NeighborWorks member Puerto Rico NHS uses education to help control the spread of the Zika virus.
Homeless get the support they need with housing-services combo
When affordable housing is combined with supportive services such as job placement and addiction treatment, homeless or at-risk individuals can be successfully re-integrated and gain a new footing in life.
Program helps family acquire a home and stabilize neighborhood at same time
Matching families in need of homes with rehabbed, foreclosed houses fulfills dreams as well as revitalizes neighborhoods, as this Kansas City nonprofit shows.
Nebraska organization helps couple afford first home
This Nebraska couple couldn't afford a home on their income, but this nonprofit made their dream come true with rehab and down-payment help. And when they needed an interpreter, they got that too.
Junior Idaho programmers compete from space station
High school students developed STEM skills and learned about future careers in the field in a "robotics programming challenge," including a partnership with the international space station and a state university.
Cops with Hearts bring community together
When there is a lack of community trust In local law enforcement, how do you restore that confidence? This Rhode Island community launched "Cops with Hearts," which brings police and residents together in a variety of grassroots activities.
Building stronger communities one neighborhood at a time
Wells Fargo Housing Foundation provides $950,000 over four years to support NeighborWorks America Neighborhood Marketing Program to bolster neighborhood strengths and increase community pride.
The difficult road to 'communities of opportunity'
Rochester, New York, has the highest rates of extreme and childhood poverty among comparable U.S. cities. The public schools are segregated by race and class, and fewer than half of the students graduate. In 2015, the city's plight triggered a plan to reduce poverty in the region by 50 percent over 15 years.
Program rebuilds lives and homes through construction training
Individuals recently released from prison into their communities often are frozen out of the job market, making it extremely difficult for them to integrate successfully. But this Delaware nonprofit is helping to smooth the way with construction training that also adds affordable homes.
Nonprofit takeovers: tools for tough times
In Southwest Florida, local groups asked Rural Neighborhoods to help preserve affordable housing developments and prevent the displacement of residents.

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