
Financial education begins by knowing the audience
Asian Americans comprise the fastest growing racial group in the United States, but many face barriers as they age. Little Tokyo Service Center found a way to step up education and prevention efforts to address financial issues.
Building community and finding strength in a low-income market
Camden, NJ, once a vital hub for industry and transportation, is now one of the poorest cities in the nation. Saint Joseph's Carpenter Society stepped in to make a difference—one home at a time.
Solar made affordable for 'regular-income' households
With Homewise's help, a new homeowner secured financing for a solar home.
Strategically revitalizing a distressed Detroit neighborhood
In Southwest Detroit, poverty, neglect and foreclosure had taken a punishing toll. Southwest Solutions led efforts to revitalize the community and engage residents. 
Healthy blocks: rescuing neighborhoods from the brink
In Rochester, NY many homes were starting to fall into disrepair, discouraging potential would-be homebuyers and renters. NeighborWorks Rochester jumped in to rescue these teetering neighborhoods at a critical moment. 
Building a sustainable, healthy community in Compton
A vacant, underdeveloped property sat as an eyesore in Compton for 25 years. NHS of Los Angeles County saw an opportunity to build an institution that would serve a range of the community's needs. 
Affordable housing and diversity transforming Chinatown
In the diverse Ping Yuen neighborhood, Chinatown CDC is working to strengthen community by building bridges across varied backgrounds.
Getting your house in order: financial literacy by community design
In 2010, the Portland Housing Center saw a 50 percent drop in the proportion of African Americans using its homebuying services compared to other demographics. The organization needed to find a way to bridge the gap with that group.
Help for a family on the edge of homelessness
Gibby and his family had stayed in run-down apartments with leaking pipes or cheap hotels with bed bugs. Then NeighborWorks Alaska came into his life and helped him turn it around.
Financial education helps family achieve dream of homeownership
This single mom couldn't qualify for Habitat for Humanity's assisted-homeownership program until financial education and coaching helped her meet the requirements.

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