Everyone knows it’s important to save for a “rainy day.” Emergencies happen: appliances break, cars sputter to a stop, jobs are lost. But when your paychecks are not that much more than what you need to pay your routine bills, that’s a habit most haven’t been able to form.

“There is a pervasive, entrenched belief in this country that success is totally self-made,” observed Gillian White, a writer and editor for The Atlantic magazine and a panel moderator at NeighborWorks’ symposium at the Philadelphia National Training Institute.

Program creates high-paying career opportunities for low-income families

A child's success is tied to his or her family's stability and well-being, which is why CAP Tulsa uses a two-generation approach to address intergenerational poverty. The two-generation approach integrates both educational opportunities for young children with evidence-based educational, workforce readiness and parenting programs for their parents.

Foreclosure intervention: Keeping families in their homes in times of financial crisis

Blanca Velez Beauchamp, Executive Director, Puerto Rico Neighborhood Housing Services

Challenge: Due to the current financial uncertainty, high unemployment rates and a devalued real estate market, residents of Puerto Rico have been afraid to invest money or buy houses; 500 families are migrating from the island every month.