Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu featured NeighborWorks America's President & CEO Marietta Rodriguez on a podcast this week. The podcast, released during National Financial Capability Month, highlights the importance of financial health. The goal of discussions like these, Hsu says, is to "improve outcomies for communities and consumers."

When it comes to wealth and health, it's the proverbial chicken-and-egg question, says Molly Barackman-Eder, NeighborWorks America's director of Financial Capability. "Is it health impacting wealth or wealth impacting health?" she asks. But more important than the question, she says, is the fact that the two items are inextricably linked; for a successful outcome, you need both health and wealth management. 

When it comes to wealth and health, it's the proverbial chicken-and-egg question, says Molly Barackman-Eder, NeighborWorks America's director of Financial Capability. "Is it health impacting wealth or wealth impacting health?" she asks. But more important than the question, she says, is the fact that the two items are inextricably linked; for a successful outcome, you need both health and wealth management. 

Indiana's Lacasa Inc. is holding its traditional "Master Your Money” class in a new location: The Elkhart County Jail. Previously, local bankers led the classes for inmates. But as banks became short-staffed during the pandemic, opportunities dwindled. Lacasa, a NeighborWorks network organization working to create opportunities for personal empowerment,  jumped to fill in the gap. 

Indiana's Lacasa Inc. is holding its traditional "Master Your Money” class in a new location: The Elkhart County Jail. Previously, local bankers led the classes for inmates. But as banks became short-staffed during the pandemic, opportunities dwindled. Lacasa, a NeighborWorks network organization working to create opportunities for personal empowerment,  jumped to fill in the gap. 

Lorena Arechiga-Playo was eager to join a matched savings program when she found one being offered through East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) in Oakland, Lorena wears a graduation cap and smiles at the camera.California. She knew such a program, where a lender or nonprofit pledges to match a certain amount of what a client puts into savings, would increase her savings efforts.