How much time

Successful candidates must invest significant time and effort toward achieving their organizational challenge over the 16 months of the program.Achieving Excellence classroom 

The time commitment includes real work by you and others in your organization against your identified challenge. You must commit to making your challenge one of the top priorities for your organization. Expect to put your challenge in your operating and strategic plan, to commit to your staff, your Board and possibly others that you and your organization will take on the challenge and achieve significant outcomes. You should also expect to work on your challenge regularly through conference calls, online chats, and one-on-one conversations with your coach and your peer group.

Many participants spend 60-70% of their time working to address their organizational performance challenge but that is because it is one of the most critical issues on their to-do list right now—something critical that deserves their attention. The NeighborWorks Achieving Excellence Program gives the time, the tools and the forum to focus intensely on one of the most important issues facing your organization.

Key Dates of the 12th Class of the NeighborWorks Achieving Excellence Program

Intro & Orientation, Part 1
Location: Online
Dates:  March 12, 2025
Time: 2 - 4:30 p.m. ET

Intro & Orientation, Part 2
Location: Online
Dates: March 19, 2025
Time:  2 - 4:30 p.m. ET

Harvard Module 1
Location: Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA
Dates: Mar. 30 – Apr. 4, 2025
Time: Sunday for travel and check-in; begin early Monday morning; end by mid-afternoon Friday

“Chicago Meeting”
Location: Chicago, IL
Dates: May 20-22, 2025
Time: Arrive Chicago afternoon/late afternoon; finish mid-afternoon Thursday

Summer Peer Group Meeting
Location: May take place online or in person—TBD 
Dates: ~2 days in the window of July 14 – August 15, 2025
Time: Location & dates of the peer group meetings are set by the peer group members with their coach

Harvard Module 2
Location: Online
Dates: Oct. 5-10, 2025

Winter Peer Group Meetings
Location: May take place online or in person—TBD 
Dates: ~2 days in the window of Jan. 13 – Feb. 20, 2026
Time: Location & dates of the peer group meetings are set by the peer group members with their coach

Harvard Module 3
Location: Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA
Dates:  Apr. 12-17, 2026
Time:  Sunday for travel and check-in; begin early Monday morning; end by mid-afternoon Friday

Final Peer Group Meeting
Location: In person at a location set by the peer group members with their coach
Dates: ~2 days between May 25 - June 26, 2026
Time: Location & dates of the peer group meetings are set by the peer group members with their coach 

It's important to keep in mind as you consider participation in the program that this is an intensive program and the real time commitment is not so much in the time away from your office, but the time you put in to making progress on your challenge.

For additional information about Achieving Excellence, e-mail [email protected]. You may also call 800-438-5547 or 202-760-4000 for general information.