
Targeting loans to revitalize neighborhoods
Polk County, Iowa, faced a challenge: People who had the ability to be mobile moved. Those who didn't were stuck in housing too expensive to maintain.
Farm workers become tenants in the nation's first certified zero net energy rentals
In California, where residential rental costs have significantly outpaced income growth, the housing crisis for agricultural workers and their families has long been at a crisis point
Attracting homebuyers through mixed-income developments
Like many areas around the country, Montgomery County, Maryland, faced challenges in providing enough affordable housing to its residents, especially first-time homebuyers and county employees.
Adopting technology to increase efficiency of internal operations and outreach
By adopting new technology, Housing Development Fund motivated staff to embrace changes and worked new technology into existing systems.
Place-based strategies address multiple community priorities
To address include a lack of green space, limited access to healthy food and a significant number of previously incarcerated men whose past reduced access to employment and kept them disenfranchised from civic life.
My front porch: from vacant to vibrant
La Casa De Don Pedro worked with residents to revitalize the community and transform vacant lots.
Developing community leadership to meet local challenges
Transformative community revitalization efforts must include the engagement of local residents to be truly successful and avoid gentrification-triggered displacement.
Putting race and social equity at the center
To promote equitable growth in the greater Seattle region, HomeSight organized a collaborative in 2010 that advocated for a race and social equity focus in the region's Sustainable Communities Planning grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Improving housing and health for underserved residents
When residents were facing significant health challenges, Foundation Communities developed a strategy to ensure its community thrived.
A community engagement model that is transforming the operating culture of a community
CPDC completely revitalized buildings and the landscape and partnered with residents to address safety concerns.

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