Indiana's Lacasa Inc. is holding its traditional "Master Your Money” class in a new location: The Elkhart County Jail. Previously, local bankers led the classes for inmates. But as banks became short-staffed during the pandemic, opportunities dwindled. Lacasa, a NeighborWorks network organization working to create opportunities for personal empowerment,  jumped to fill in the gap. 

Indiana's Lacasa Inc. is holding its traditional "Master Your Money” class in a new location: The Elkhart County Jail. Previously, local bankers led the classes for inmates. But as banks became short-staffed during the pandemic, opportunities dwindled. Lacasa, a NeighborWorks network organization working to create opportunities for personal empowerment,  jumped to fill in the gap. 

The recent expansion of NeighborWorks America's network will allow member organizations to make an even greater collective impact in a number of areas, including education for future homeowners, financial coaching and wrap-around support through partnerships. The network also adds new Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), providing affordable lending opportunities for low- and middle-income individuals and businesses.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Florida is described as "a surging state," which is not what the president of a housing nonprofit — or anybody else — wants to hear. At Rural Neighborhoods Inc., a NeighborWorks network organization in Florida City, Florida, they are working to keep residents safe.