Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu featured NeighborWorks America's President & CEO Marietta Rodriguez on a podcast this week. The podcast, released during National Financial Capability Month, highlights the importance of financial health. The goal of discussions like these, Hsu says, is to "improve outcomies for communities and consumers."

NeighborWorks America released new impact data showing just how much of a difference the organization and its network are making in the field of affordable housing and community development. While the data reflects nationwide housing trends — including a limited inventory of homes and higher home prices — it also shows an increase in the number of homeowners preserved and an increase in the number of rental homes in the network.

During the pandemic, the nation realized even more the importance of a stable home, as where we live also became the place where we accessed education, healthcare and community. But disparities loomed. 

Now, as communities and individuals work to bounce back from pandemic-related economic hardships, NeighborWorks America is hosting a symposium, "Advancing Equity for People of Color: Local Solutions for Housing Stability." The symposium will include a roundtable, panels and discussions about equitable solutions for housing stability.

In summer of 2022, when NeighborWorks America established a grant to support NeighborWorks network organizations with wealth-building programs for Black and Latino clients, there was one big change: The application was available in Spanish. Not only that, but network organizations were able, if they chose, to submit their grant application in Spanish and have it reviewed by a native speaker.