Release date: 5/1/2023

Lindsay Moore, NeighborWorks America Media
[email protected] 

Expert available to discuss new mortgage fee changes

What: Starting today, new federal rules may affect how much people pay for a mortgage backed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The changes are designed to make homeownership more accessible and level the playing field for homebuyers. NeighborWorks America's expert is available to discuss how the new mortgage fee changes impact homebuyers and how sustainable, affordable homeownership is more likely to flourish if one receives housing counseling and financial coaching. With nearly 45 years of helping people get into and stay in affordable homes, NeighborWorks America offers a unique view on how to create creditworthy homebuyers and remove barriers to homeownership. 

When: May 1- ongoing 

Where: Phone, email or Zoom 

NeighborWorks America expert available for comment

Noelle MeltonNoelle Melton, vice president of National Homeownership Programs & Lending
Noelle Melton leads NeighborWorks America's efforts to support financial stability and wealth building through strategic planning and program development. She manages the creation and refinement of strategies and tools to support the NeighborWorks network. National Mortgage Professional Magazine recognized her as one of the "40 Most Influential Mortgage Professionals Under 40."

She can discuss how the new mortgage fee changes impact homeowners; how housing counselors can work with people to evaluate their options and connect them to resources; and how NeighborWorks America, through its network, provides housing counseling and financial coaching to help families meet their financial goals, including achieving the dream of homeownership.

About NeighborWorks America 
For more than 40 years, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp., a national, nonpartisan nonprofit known as NeighborWorks America, has strived to make every community a place of opportunity. Our network of excellence includes nearly 250 members in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. NeighborWorks America offers grant funding, peer exchange, technical assistance, evaluation tools, and access to training as the nation's leading trainer of housing and community development professionals. NeighborWorks network organizations provide residents in their communities with affordable homes, owned and rented; financial counseling and coaching; community building through resident engagement; and collaboration in the areas of health, employment and education.