Course Details

NR405 Metropolitan Dynamics: The Urbanization of Suburbs

A metropolitan area is the setting for dynamic processes. The central city and its surrounding suburbs are in a constant feedback loop, causing and reacting to changes in each other. The clear distinctions between central city and first ring suburbs of old have faded away if not disappeared. Social and demographic composition, income and poverty rates, culture, physical barriers, architecture, and the nature of commercial districts are increasingly one and the same in traditional urban centers and emerging suburban hubs. Suburbs are re-inventing themselves; they are works in progress. Its residents, civic institutions, private sector and local government are responding to this new urban challenge in innovative and exciting ways.

This 2-day class, taught by a local expert, takes an in-depth look at the broad range of issues faced by an inner ring suburb in our host city’s metropolitan area and the solutions that are emerging to convert it from a quiet dormitory community into a vibrant and walkable urban area. On the first day, the class will tour the suburb’s core neighborhoods for a first-hand look at the impacts of these complex dynamics. On the second day, we’ll work in small groups analyzing the local dynamics and drawing lessons to reinforce our work back home. NOTE: We will walk, wear comfortable shoes and dress appropriately for the weather.

Community and Neighborhood Revitalization Professional Certificate Program: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS COURSE

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes