Course Details

NR257 Working with Municipal Government Agencies

To make revitalization happen takes a wide range of partners working together. In addition to residents, neighborhood associations, property owners, community development organizations, nonprofit service agencies, and large and small private businesses, there is also a full array of municipal government agencies. To effectively blend their work and satisfy their interests are real challenges.

In this class we will focus on understanding the challenges from the municipal government side—communication across agencies and departments, competing and even contradictory priorities, turf wars, politics, you name it. And we’ll explore how, even from the outside, we can contribute to the formation of a collaborative environment among the multiple municipal and local government agencies and departments that have a role in revitalization. The class will discuss best practices from across the country and work through real life scenarios.

Community and Neighborhood Revitalization Professional Certificate Program: ELECTIVES COURSE

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $385.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes