Course Details

NR255 Resident Leadership as the Central Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy

In neighborhood revitalization, “resident leadership” is continually invoked but seldom understood. It is even rarer to make it the fundamental strategy around which to organize the work. In this class we’ll explore how the Dudley St. Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) adopted community organizing and planning as its central strategies to achieve remarkable success turning around a once devastated urban neighborhood while avoiding being overrun by gentrification. We’ll try to understand the intricate relationship between HOW you do something and WHAT you’re able to achieve. We’ll identify the tools, practices, and organizational discipline necessary to stay focused and trust the process: building and sustaining genuine resident leaders; bringing together the community’s racial, ethnic, and language diversity; nurturing and supporting youth development and youth leadership; organizing the coalitions and collaboration structures to properly define and manage the roles of government, philanthropy, consultants, and other outside forces. Join us and learn to use these approaches to critically assess and improve your organization’s practice.

Community and Neighborhood Revitalization Professional Certificate Program: APPLIED COMPETENCIES COURSE

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes