Course Details

NR240 Rethinking Reentry: The Role of Community

At least 95 percent of people incarcerated in state prisons will be released back to their communities at some point. In 2015 alone, 641,100 people who had been sentenced to state and federal prisons reentered communities across the nation. Rethinking Reentry presents community development practitioners with practical approaches to implementing effective pre and post-release strategies. We’ll examine re-entry from the perspectives of returning citizens, their families, and various stakeholders throughout the justice system process. We’ll also examine the relationship between race, crime, and the criminal justice system with particular attention given to institutional barriers involving race, gender, and social class; and bias in the criminal justice system related to arrests, sentencing, and incarceration. This is a unique opportunity to share, learn, and reflect with peers about this critical social issue and community development challenge.

Community and Neighborhood Revitalization Professional Certificate Program: APPLIED COMPETENCIES COURSE

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $800.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No