Course Details

NR118 Working with Tenants and Small Landlords to Revitalize the Neighborhood

With a national homeownership rate of nearly 65%, in the average neighborhood at least 1 in 3 residences are occupied by a renter. In fact, market and other forces can cause rental housing investment to be concentrated in certain neighborhoods more than others, sometimes creating significant market and social stresses. To successfully sustain or create a healthy neighborhood, revitalization strategies must pay close attention to rental housing. This course explores a variety of complimentary strategies to ensure a strong rental market and a well-kept rental housing stock that makes a positive contribution to neighborhood livability and aesthetic standards. Join us in exploring how to work with landlords, especially small investors, to build their capacity to successfully manage their property for a solid return on investment, to plan for and finance physical improvements, and to become management partners with their tenants. The course also examines strategies that help tenants become engaged stakeholders in the neighborhood by empowering them to partner with landlords, neighborhood organizations and public agencies, and, when necessary, to utilize enforcement mechanisms to ensure a healthy and safe housing and community environment.

Community and Neighborhood Revitalization Professional Certificate Program: APPLIED COMPETENCIES COURSE

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Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No