Course Details

NR105vcx Comprehensive Community Development in Places - Accelerated Faculty-led Course

When we assist a household to buy a home or rent an apartment, how much or how little do our community development organizations currently think about the quality of life in the place that household will be living? What are the possibilities for coordinating our own lines of business or the work of multiple partners toward improving things like safety, healthcare access, quality education, good jobs, and other quality of life issues. In this accelerated faculty-led online course, participants will have a chance to step back from the day-to-day to think about their organization’s work and impact it has on “place” - the area residents live. Participants will learn about the principles of place-based CCD, its history and lessons learned, and a variety of approaches that organizations are taking right now.

Practical skill building includes:

  • Assessing the legacy of inequitable policies from the past and present that affect your area of focus today,
  • Thinking spatially about program delivery for greater impact,
  • Considering how place-based CCD can work in a rural or non-urban contexts,
  • Comparing and contrasting models of place-based CCD,
  • Identifying roles in a multi-partner CCD approach,
  • Obtaining a common language to talk about place-based CCD within your organization.

We'll examine organizations nationwide implementing a place-based CCD strategy, and learn about their approach, partnerships, measures of success and resources. Finally, participants will use a CCD Organizational Self-Assessment tool to identify and discuss where they think their organization is with regard to a set of CCD principles around capacity and practice–and whether and how they might want to refine that approach. This course is designed to frame informed, productive discussions within each organization’s unique mission, programs, and local context. It will provide participants with skills to deepen the impact of their place-based work.

Enroll in our accelerated 4-day faculty-led course which is designed for optimal interactivity and engagement. Days 1 and 3, are comprised of a total of 4 hours of live online instruction, divided into two sessions with a 1-hour break in between. Days 2 and 4 are dedicated to self-paced completion of all activities and assignments. All required coursework is due by 11:59pm PT on the final day of class.

Learners are expected to:

  • review the lesson material
  • participate in collaborative activities, as directed
  • ask questions - of your faculty and peers
  • share your experience and knowledge
  • schedule your time accordingly to complete all required activities within the deadlines provided

NOTE: Learners must complete all required coursework in a satisfactory manner to receive their certificate of completion. A passing score in this course is 80% based on the total course points available.


    Day 1 - Two 2-hr Live Sessions
  • First Live Session Time: 9:00am - 11:00am PT/10:00am - 12:00pm CT/12:00pm - 2:00pm ET
  • Second Live Session Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm PT/1:00pm - 3:00pm CT/3:00pm - 5:00pm ET

    Day 2 - Online Self-paced Classwork Day

  • Complete unfinished assignments and activities from Day 1
  • Complete online assignments and activities
  • Prepare for Day 3
  • Day 3 - Two 2-hr Live Sessions

  • First Live Session Time: 9:00am - 11:00am PT/10:00am - 12:00pm CT/12:00pm - 2:00pm ET
  • Second Live Session Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm PT/1:00pm - 3:00pm CT/3:00pm - 5:00pm ET
  • Day 4 - Online Self-Paced Classwork Day

  • All Classwork Due by 11:59pm PT on Day 4

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $545.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes