Course Details

ML274hybip Exploring Excellence in Governance-Hybrid (in-person)

As the nonprofit sector has matured and adapted in the last decade, there has been a growing interest in boards of directors moving from traditional, technical oversight to a more strategic - and even generative - model of governance. The technical board most often identifies the nonprofit‘s current opportunities and challenges in terms of today’s data and circumstances. The strategic board sets direction and designs solutions, and the generative board seeks opportunities to re-imagine future possibilities and impact. This highly interactive workshop – using case studies and small and large group exercises - explores the shift from governance as compliance and monitoring to governance as strategic thinking and creative engagement. Participants will work throughout the day on a governance action plan with feedback/coaching from both instructors and peers. ML274 is designed for nonprofit board leaders and members as well as nonprofit CEOs and executives who work closely and collaboratively with board members.

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $385.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No