Course Details

ML236 Using Tableau to Visualize Impact and Tell Your Story

With funders regularly expecting quantifiable outcomes from their partners, your nonprofit’s ability to communicate its impact through high-quality data visualizations is an increasingly critical skill. This intermediate-level, hands-on computer lab course will teach participants the basics of the Tableau software, and how to turn large data sets into informative visualizations that can be used with your staff, board and funders. We’ll analyze sample programmatic data and learn how to put those findings into context by integrating them with external market data. Participants will have an opportunity to analyze their own data in Tableau and leave with technical skills in the software, a list of online data resources including how to apply for free Tableau licenses, and a better understanding of how to bring data into decision-making conversations. NOTE: This course is intended for data practitioners or analysts with a basic understanding of analytical methods and how to manipulate data (e.g. creating pivot tables or interpreting scatterplots).

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No