Course Details

HO833vc NeighborWorks Reporting using the Online Reporting System and CounselorMax® -INVITATION ONLY

NeighborWorks Network Organizations Only-

Get the inside scoop about reporting quarterly data to NeighborWorks America using the Online Reporting System (ORS) and CounselorMax. This three-day online faculty-led class will assist the participants in becoming familiar with the structure and data definitions of the Quarterly Production Report, the data entry workflow in the Online Reporting System and the data interchange between CounselorMax and the Online Reporting System. Here’s what you will learn:

  • Quarterly Production Report (QPR) concepts and definitions
  • Overview of the data entry process in the Projects and Summary Survey (ORS)
  • Data entry process in the Clients and Financing Survey (ORS)
  • Using the Quarterly Production Summary Report and Year to Date Production Summary Report in Depth

Who should attend? Intake Specialists, Counselors and Reporting Staff – anyone involved from the beginning to the end will discover their critical role in successful reporting.

This faculty-led course includes online assignments, resources and the use of peer discussion forums. The course is presented in three live online sessions (2 hours each) with the faculty and participants.

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $545.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No