Course Details

HO290 Being Green, Seeing Green: Counseling Clients to Maximize Energy Savings

Counselors, play a key role in training your clients to maximize savings, lower expenses and live in a safe, healthy home. Being "green" is not only a trend — it's one way consumers can better manage their finances and maintain secure homeownership. In this course you will learn:

  • How a $25 investment in energy-savings related items can save your clients hundreds each year
  • Resources and contact information for state and local weatherization programs and how to advise clients to choose a "certified" energy auditor
  • Tip sheets for spotting household energy "hogs" and moisture and mold problems, and how to identify a remedy
  • Financing options such as the FHA Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM), as well as state and other financing programs that may be available to help pay for improvements at the time of purchase or refinance
  • "Energy Star" appliances — what they are and whether they qualify for the $1500 tax incentive

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $385.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No