Course Details

HO216 Designing and Delivering Impactful Financial Education

What makes a financial capability class worth attending? Why not just watch an educational video, listen to a podcast or read a book on personal finance on your own time?

In this 2-day class we will dive deep into how to design and deliver a financial education class that participants will not want to miss. From methods of lecturing, facilitating and story-telling, to effective ice-breakers, experiential exercises and fin-tech tools that support the client's efforts to work towards financial goals, we will touch on all the aspects that make up an impactful class that will leave participants wanting more.

By the end of this course, participants will have developed a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that will enable them to better engage clients and motivate them to tackle financial challenges and master their personal finances.

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No