Course Details

HO041 Using an Equity Lens in Financial Coaching Approaches - Interactive Webinar Training

Financial coaching is a proven way to improve financial outcomes for individuals by supporting them on the path toward financial goals and financial health. Unfortunately, these pathways are not always equitable and sometimes there are structural barriers that impede individual opportunity.

How can your approach to financial coaching be more inclusive? How can you adapt it to be more compelling, relevant, and culturally responsive to communities who have been historically shut out of financial opportunity? This course will help you use an intersectional equity lens that accounts for people’s multiple identities (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, geography) in your coaching work to help clients safely navigate current systems and move toward financial well-being. You will gain skills in seeing how identity shapes access and opportunity, acknowledging systemic harms, building trust, engaging in self-reflection, and gathering data to increase equitable outcomes.

This faculty-led webinar training will last 90 minutes and includes resource materials, check-and-reflect activities, interactive polling, and participant Q & A with the faculty. A quiz will be open at the conclusion of the session which you must pass in order to obtain a certificate and credit toward continuing education hours. Participants can access the training site upon registration and begin looking at the available resources prior to the live online training session.

This course provides 1.5 hours of continuing education.

Course Length: 1/4 Days

Tuition: $120.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No