Course Details

CL229 Comprehensive Community Development for Places

This session is a discussion of Comprehensive Community Development (CCD) and improving the quality of life in neighborhoods and other focus geographies. When we assist a household to buy a home, rent an apartment, or improve their financial capability, how much or how little do our organizations currently think about the neighborhood or other place that household will be living? What are the possibilities for coordinating our own lines of business or the work of multiple partners toward improving things like safety, healthcare access, quality education, good jobs, and other quality of life issues? In this discussion, participants will think in a big-picture way about their organization’s work and impact in the community. Participants will learn about the principles of CCD, its history and lessons learned, and a variety of approaches that organizations are taking right now. Participants will also have a chance to discuss and explore both the opportunities and the responsibilities that a place-based CCD approach confers on an organization’s staff and board. And using a CCD self-assessment tool, participants will be able to identify and discuss where they think their organization is with regard to a set of CCD principles around capacity and practice – and whether and how they might want to refine that approach. This guide is designed to frame informed, productive discussions within each organization’s unique mission, programs and local context.

Course Length: 1/2 Days

Tuition: $0.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No