Course Details

CB122 Mobilizing Youth for Community Building

Young people CAN lead! Yes, they can be a treasured resource for our on-going community development efforts working alongside adults. But they have their own concerns, aspirations, and priorities—often apart from, and sometimes even in contradiction to what adults consider important. This course focuses on teenagers but is not about “building the leaders of the future,” it is about enabling new leaders today.

To achieve their leadership potential young people need to experience success on their own. In this course we’ll learn how to step aside to create the space youth need to define their issues, plan and take action to build community; to provide support and guidance without smothering their collective initiative or hampering their development as individual leaders.

Community Engagement Professional Certificate Program: ELECTIVE COURSE

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $385.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes