Course Details

CB108vcx The Power of Communication: Talking, Listening, and Messaging - Accelerated Faculty-led Online

Have you ever noticed two people saying almost the same thing, but somehow others only remember that one person said it?

That’s because there’s power in how we communicate. Our words and our actions can influence others intentionally and without us even realizing it. The Power of Communication: Talking, Listening and Messaging explores how what we say is as important as how we say it. We’ll think about how community dynamics, stereotypes, and our own individual biases impact what we pay attention to and how we speak. Then we’ll learn about different communication tools that we can use with different groups and in different places. Since it’s important that we’re intentional about how we show up with residents and community members, we’ll practice tools like active listening, group facilitation skills, meeting new people, and talking to groups.

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $545.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes