Course Details

HO042 Owner-Occupied Rental Property and Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing - Interactive Webinar Training

Do you want to help potential owner-occupied buyers looking for down payment assistance for purchasing rental property that they plan to live in, and are not sure where to start? Do you want to provide potential owner-occupied buyers of rental properties with varying incomes tips on partnership opportunities that may exist? Do you want to identify strategies that may work for owner-occupied buyers of rental properties who want to focus on diverse neighborhoods?

This is a 90-minute faculty-led webinar that explores opportunities to successfully navigate being an owner-occupied landlord of a multi-unit property and the responsibilities that come with it. The session will focus on buyers becoming successful homeowners of rental properties that they will live in with an emphasis on fair housing, economic development, building credit for homeownership and committing to investing in themselves and their community! The webinar training will include resource materials, check-and-reflect activities, interactive polling, and participant Q&A with the faculty. A quiz will open at the conclusion of the session which must be passed in order to obtain a certificate and credit toward continuing education hours. Participants can access the training site upon registration and begin looking at the available resources prior to the live online training session. Participants will complete the quiz and print their certificate immediately after the live session. This course provides 1.5 hours of continuing education.

Course Length: 1/4 Days

Tuition: $115.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No