Course Details

CP141 Introduction to Sustainable Building

Have you been hearing about green building, sustainability or high-performance construction, but can't figure out exactly what that means? Maybe your new funder has issued a mandate that all projects using their support be green certified. Perhaps you want to learn ways to convince your organization to offer sustainable construction services, or you are trying to identify the best program for your organizational green certification needs. Or maybe you believe green is a bad word and should not be used in the realm of construction, but you relate to high-performance, best practice construction and want to learn more about those strategies and techniques. If you responded “yes” to any of these statements or you simply have an interest in learning more about sustainable construction practices, then this is the course for you! CP141 Introduction to Sustainable Construction provides participants with a solid background in the field of high-performance, best practice and sustainable construction tactics.

This informative two-day course will define sustainable construction and review programs and tools available for implementing high-performance construction practices on your projects. Using a threaded case study with real-world examples, participants will learn common terminology and procedures used by green building programs, and what to look for when working on a sustainable construction project. Participants will actively engage in evaluating traditional construction methodologies against sustainability measurements to effectively problem solve and identify workable solutions.

You won’t want to miss this fun-filled, highly interactive class. Join us so you can create the change you want to see in our construction industry while providing a sustainable, healthy and affordable home!

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Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes