
"Why do you do what you do?" This is the question that we posed to a few affordable housing and community development leaders in and around NeighborWorks America. 

"I work at NeighborWorks America because the work we deliver for our network and our communities improves the lives of people!" 

—Marietta Rodriguez, President & CEO, NeighborWorks America

"I grew up in affordable housing, and we faced housing instability throughout my childhood. Although those days are long past, the constant feeling of uncertainty I felt back then is still a vivid memory. I do this work because I want to use my skills and experience to provide housing stability and other opportunities to as many people as possible. This work is difficult, but it is rewarding in so many ways. I consider it a privilege to support the work of the 247 members of NeighborWorks America."

—Jim Peffley, CEO, NeighborWorks Capital

"I work in affordable housing and community development because I have lived most of my life in communities that were 'redlined' and I know firsthand how hard it is to make ends meet under those circumstances. I have been fortunate that while my neighborhood changed with increased investments from the city of Boston and one of our network members, Urban Edge, I was able to see firsthand the positive impact community development programs can have on the lives of people who live there. And the positive impact is not only one I have benefited from, but also my adult children who also became homeowners through homebuyer education programs offered by a local network organization. For me, my work is not a paycheck; it is part of who I am and what I am passionate about."

—Suzanne Letendre-Oakes, Senior Director, Organization Assessment Division, NeighborWorks America

"Community development is a foundation to life in my opinion. I have been to community meetings where they didn't want certain types of people and activities in their neighborhood. It was a bigger process and project to get low income accepted in more resources in the community. I learned that there was a lot of pride and dignity in developing and building a community rather than abandoning or counting out one. I feel Dorothy Richardson and NeighborWorks have proven this, as well as empowered others to do self-care for themselves."

—James Page Jr., Dorothy Richardson Award for Resident Leadership honoree

"I do this work because I'm passionate about helping others, particularly communities of color, live in communities of choice. Communities that are equitable, vibrant, safe and well-resourced so that families can thrive and prosper. I do this work because my lived experiences inform my work in the affordable housing and community development space and the need for organizations like NeighborWorks America."

—Deletta Dean, Regional Vice President of Midwest Region, NeighborWorks America

"I really don't know what kind of work I would be doing if I wasn't in community development. What I love about NeighborWorks America and the NeighborWorks network is the breadth of what we do – we're national and we're hyper-local. We implement new ideas in neighborhoods and through our thought leadership. We look at community development and affordable housing holistically as part of our comprehensive community development framework. I cannot imagine another job that would allow me to actively connect housing and economic opportunity to climate resilience, creative placemaking, racial equity, LGBTQ+ inclusion, serving Tribal communities, community building and engagement, and an array of other important projects as part of my day-to-day work."

—Cormac Molloy, Senior Manager, Training, NeighborWorks America