Place-Based Training

Minimum cost, maximum focus

Neighborworks-image-150To have real impact in your community, you need everyone—your staff as well as your partners—to be equipped with the latest knowledge, skills and tools. And working completely in sync on critical issues, when and where they occur. But with the cost of training and associated travel, the generic nature of most seminars, and the difficulty of scheduling, how can you efficiently leverage your training budget?
The answer is “place-based” training in your community, provided by NeighborWorks. The specific content you need to address your unique situation. With all interested players right there in the room, able to have a voice in the discussion, to ask the tough questions, and to garner the techniques and approaches that will really make a difference. NeighborWorks has significant experience in working with many cities, neighborhoods and local nonprofits to develop made-to-order training experiences that deliver to a local audience the same exceptional knowledge- and skill-building we provide nationally.  
Our flexible, reasonably priced regional/local training allows you to 
  • Minimize your travel costs and maximize your training budget
  • Learn exactly what you need from our vast catalog of affordable housing, community development and nonprofit management courses
  • Multiply your capacity by inviting colleagues and allies
  • Focus your in-class experience on the real challenges you face in your community
Arranging your place-based event is easy. You create your unique program by selecting one or more courses from our comprehensive catalog. Fees are based on the requested courses and number of training days—lower than comparable market rates, and the cost of sending multiple learners to a national training event with significant travel expenses. We can scale services up or back according to your needs: from simply sending a trainer and materials for a single course to building a tailor-made week-long event with multiple courses, meeting planning services and meals.
Gaining the knowledge, skills and tools you need for increased impact has never been so personalized—or stress-free!

For more information, call 800-438-5547 or email [email protected].