Course Details

ML246 Leadership in All Directions: The Unique Role of a Senior Manager

Division directors, C-suite "chiefs" and those who report directly to the chief executive play vital roles in ensuring the success and ongoing impact of an organization. In order to be effective, they must master the science and art of 360-degree management -- up to the CEO or ED, laterally through influencing their senior leadership peers, down to those who report to them, and often externally to key stakeholders, board committees and funders. This advanced level course will examine each of these leadership and managerial 'directions' in more detail. It will draw upon case studies, real-life participant experiences and future aspirations to illustrate key tools and principles of management and leadership, and how they apply to this pivotal function.

Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $385.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No