Course Details

ML245 Leveraging Leadership Potential in Diverse Communities

Have you ever been drawn to an incredible leader, only to find out that someone else thinks they’re a terrible leader? Or maybe you’ve been confused why others are drawn to a leader you could never support? The reality is that not all leaders are the same. Even though many of us may describe leadership similarly, the ways we lead and the expectations we have for leaders are often very different. This course digs into how our backgrounds, social identities, life experiences, and social norms influence the way that we lead. Equally important, we explore how those factors influence the way we assess other leaders around us. Together we’ll look at leadership from two angles. First, we’ll consider the way you lead—including how you think, feel, and act as a leader. Then we’ll explore how our own perceptions, power, and privilege impact our expectations for emerging leaders around us. If you’re motivated to strengthen your own leadership skills, cultivate new talent within your organization, and hone your skills identifying and supporting local community leaders, we invite you to join us!

Course Length: 2 Days

Tuition: $770.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No