Course Details

NR369 Lending and Rehab Strategies for Maximum Neighborhood Impact

This one-day course focuses on how residential lending and rehab services can be effective strategy components in a neighborhood revitalization effort. Designed for practitioners, funders, lenders, and policy makers who want to better align lending and rehab with neighborhood revitalization outcomes, the course looks at both purchase and home improvement lending, and draws on the experience of participants and work in the field to show how loan products can be structured to support revitalization activities and strengthen local housing markets. Participants will also learn about setting standards for maintenance and home improvement that result in images of pride and stability in the neighborhood. The course will address how these standards can be reinforced with customers and how obstacles to standard-setting can be overcome.

Community and Neighborhood Revitalization Professional Certificate Program: ELECTIVE COURSE

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Course Length: 1 Days

Tuition: $385.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): Yes