Course Details

AH009 From NIMBY to YIMBY - Interactive Webinar Training

The damage caused by decades of disinvestment and segregated housing markets became more evident than ever during the pandemic. For too long, some communities have had a "Not in My Back Yard" (NIMBY) mentality, and it is evidenced in zoning laws and regulations across our country. But research has shown that mixed income developments and diverse neighborhoods provide better opportunities for lower income individuals and families. Leveraging existing federal funds and existing partnerships may not be enough to inspire confidence that changes can be made without addressing the root cause of NIMBY mentality. This session will take a look at how we change that NIMBY into a Yes in My Back Yard (YIMBY).

This faculty-led webinar training will last 90-minutes and include resource materials, check and reflect activities, interactive polling, and participant Q & A with the faculty. A quiz will be open at the conclusion of the session which must be passed in order to obtain a certificate and credit toward continuing education hours. Participants can access the training site upon registration and begin looking at the available resources prior to the live online training session. Participants will complete the quiz and print their certificate immediately after the live session.

Course Length: 1/4 Days

Tuition: $120.0

Course counts toward a professional certificate (PCP): No