Senior citizens get fit while chair sitting


When deciding whether to exercise, many people think a long jog or an intense weight-lifting session is required. But for the residents of Trinity House and St. Peter apartments in Columbia, Pennsylvania, exercise as simple movement while sitting down is effective. The apartments are operated by Housing Development Corp. MidAtlantic.

Every Tuesday and Friday, the residents of Trinity House and St. Peter, respectively, meet in the community rooms of their buildings for an hour-long chair aerobics class.

The class—called Silver & Fit—is geared to older adults and consists of a seated chair-exercise program that can be modified for all fitness levels. The class combines low-impact cardio and strength training using a variety of equipment, including rubber balls, yoga straps, resistance bands, small weights and paper plates. Before the class ends, Deborah Balzarini, resident services coordinator and class instructor, shares fitness and healthy living tips to help the residents stay mindful of their health, both physical and mental, in between classes.

Balzarini began Silver & Fit after residents expressed interest in an exercise class in a survey she conducted. The first class was held in March 2016 at Trinity House and soon was followed by one at St. Peter. The program quickly gained favor with residents and classes now are held weekly.

A white woman demonstrates to three seniors how to stretchBalzarini says she’s extremely happy with the progress residents have demonstrated.

“Both classes have come so far since I began. Many people have advanced to higher levels and are healthier and happier,” she says. “They’ve increased their overall strength, stamina, flexibility, balance and coordination. I love to see this happen with seniors!”

Balzarini has been a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer for more than 25 years, with experience in child, adult and other special populations. “I love to see the healthy and positive results that happen for everyone I work with,” she adds.

From socialization to weight loss, there are many reasons why residents choose to participate in Silver & Fit. Ninety-five-year-old Trinity House resident June Batt may explain it best when she comments, “the exercise helps clear the cobwebs out of my brain!”

Silver & Fit classes are just one of the many programs offered to HDC MidAtlantic residents through the organization’s resident services program. Founded in 1971, HDC MidAtlantic provides quality affordable rental housing for working families, aging parents and grandparents, and people with disabilities throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. It has a portfolio of more than 3,400 apartments. 

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