With LIFT, veteran returns to Detroit stronger than ever

After serving in the military for 18 years, first in the Army and then the Marines in both Gulf Wars and in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, Kienya Rudolph returned home to Detroit in 2007. Unfortunately, he became unable to work because of chronic fatigue and migraines related to his time in combat. The Rudolphs lost their home to foreclosure in the spring of 2012.

Eventually, Kienya secured his retirement and medical disability benefits from the military and attended a credit-building workshop at Southwest Solutions. He and his wife, Kathy, dreamed of becoming homeowners again.

“We were not seeking a handout but a hand up, and that’s what Southwest Solutions provided, while treating us with dignity,” said Kienya.

The Rudolphs worked hard to rebuild their credit and savings. Eventually, they learned about the Detroit HomeLIFT program. They qualified for the program and purchased a house they had their eye on, in the Marygrove neighborhood. Their monthly house payment is $650.

“Being a lifelong Detroiter, I wanted to remain in the city and do my part to strengthen a stable neighborhood,” Kienya said. “If we all do our part to take care of what we own, blocks will be stronger, neighborhoods will be stronger, and the city will come back stronger than ever.”

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