Supportive housing helps family troubled by mental illness


Matthew Bowers speaks at the opening of Amistead Apartments.

Matthew and Jacqueline Bowers should have been enveloped by the joy of first-time parenthood. Instead, they were deep in despair and on the verge of homelessness. Matthew’s struggle with bipolar disorder kept him moving from job to job. He knew he needed help to maintain stability for himself and his growing family.

Fortunately for the Bowers, Matthew’s caseworker knew about Amistad Apartments, a permanent supportive housing complex designated by A Community of Friends’ (ACOF) for homeless families in which the head of household has a diagnosed mental illness. As one of the first families to move into the building, the Bowers were selected to speak at its grand opening celebration in Los Angeles.

Today, Jacqueline says, “Living here is like winning the lottery. It’s such a blessing.” Matthew and Jacqueline are devoted to their three daughters and are determined to give them every advantage.

“Because of ACOF, our kids have stability instead of a sense of fear. They’re growing up with security instead of anxiety,” says Matthew, who has become a leader for the community.

In addition to participating at their daughters’ school and leading community events, Matthew is a foundingl member of ACOF’s Tenant Advisory Council, which acts as the voice of the residents, with a direct line of communication to CEO Dora Gallo.
Bowers family photo

“I think the concept is great! With the advisory council, ACOF has a finger on the pulse of what’s going on with the tenants and we have a forum to share what is important to everyone,” said Matthew. “I love working with Dora.” He attends bimonthly meetings, helps with the planning of tenant events and participates in other tenant activities.

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