CityLift program rescues woman from 'moment of despair'

Inland Empire resident Monica McVey tried to purchase a home in 2012, but the deal fell apart at the last minute. “It wasn’t the best time in my life,” she recalls. “I had to cancel the purchase the week before my closing was scheduled.”

Heartbroken, she wondered if she would ever be able to buy a home for her family. “I lost my deposit. I felt like I had lost everything,” says McVey. “That was my moment of despair, and when I spoke to my lender I began to tear up.”

But all was not lost. The lender had good news to go with the bad; he told her about the down-payment assistance that was available through CityLIFT. In addition to down-payment funds, the collaboration between NeghborWorks and Wells Fargo provides financial education and counseling to qualifying homebuyers.

McVey attended a local introductory event on Aug. 9, 2013, and was the first customer to reserve grant funds through the program. “I knew God had done that for me and my children,” she says.

Now that she is a successful homeowner, she feels a sense of accomplishment and pride. “I needed for my children to see they can overcome obstacles, and for my mother to know she’s done well,” McVey explains.

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