Survey on Resident Leadership

Consumer Survey on Community Leadership

A lack of affordable housing is a significant concern for most Americans. Few agree that there is strong or sufficient leadership speaking for affordable housing in their communities, or that their voices are being heard on the issue. They are most likely to point to state policymakers as responsible for increasing affordable housing opportunities, although many see local policymakers and members of their own community as responsible too. Americans point to myriad solutions to affordable housing and hope to see more members of their own communities voicing their support for it in the future. See press release.

Perceptions of the State of Affordable Housing

A large majority of Americans are concerned about a lack of affordable housing in their communities and throughout the country. Three-quarters or more are very or somewhat concerned about the lack of affordable housing in:

  • Their community: 74%
  • Their state: 76%
  • The U.S.: 80%

Less than two-in-five Americans agree that:

  • Their voice is being heard in discussions about affordable housing in their community (26% agree).
  • There are enough people in their community speaking for affordable housing (35% agree).
  • There is strong leadership in their community speaking for affordable housing (34% agree).

Perceptions about increasing affordable housing opportunities in people’s communities are decidedly mixed:48% of Americans have a positive outlook on the prospects of increasing affordable housing, while 37% have a negative outlook, and 15% don’t know or don’t have an opinion.

Responsibility for Increasing Affordable Housing

When asked who should be responsible for increasing affordable housing opportunities in their community, Americans are most likely to point to:
  • State policymakers: 44% 
  • Local leaders in their community 41%
  • Local policymakers: 38%

Less than two-in-five Americans agree that local (37%) and state (35%) policymakers are taking the issue of affordable housing seriously.

Preferences for Future Action Around Affordable Housing

Close to half of Americans believe each of the following would help make their communities more affordable places to live:
  • New policies promoting affordable housing (47%).
  • More resources for building affordable apartments (45%).
  • More resources for building affordable houses and condominiums (44%).

Additionally, one-third of Americans (35%) believe housing affordability would be improved in their communities if local residents had a greater voice in their support for affordable housing.

This poll was conducted between October 6 - October 8, 2023, among a sample of 2,209 adults. The interviews were conducted online, and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on age, gender, race, educational attainment, region, gender by age, and race by educational attainment. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

